Thursday, September 20, 2012

Glad You're Resurrected (The Wanted // Michael Calfan // Axwell) The White Panda

Todays song is one of white pandas full length songs. They are about to go on tour again and I have personally seen them and I gotta say they throw a great show. The venue we were at wasnt great, My colleges auditorium with seats in it so jumping was a little restricted but hopefully ill get to see these guys again when they end up in DC. Enjoy

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Coyote Kisses "Cheeky"

Ok so I havent posted on here in a long time but Im going to try and start again. Todays song has been around for a long time but hasnt been released yes. When I say a long time I mean almost an entire year which is a lifetime in song years. It sounds very similar to Coyote Kisses Galactic Love Song but this was actually around before that. So listen to this and enjoy because its worth the listen.!/s/Cheeky/4BYI0k?src=5

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Skrillex Rudeboy (Ft. Damian Marley)

Skrillex put out a new track and it's awesome. Its a nice slow beat with a lot of filth all the way through. The vocals are amazing too, Skrills reuses some from an old track but also has some new stuff by Damian Marley. Skrillex continues to impress me as I'm sure he will continue to do in the future.

Enjoy with a glass of Boxed Wine

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The White Panda Boombooyah!

This is White Panda's new album which was surprisingly underplayed on the internet leading up to it which is surprising. These guys make some awesome music as well as putting on a great show... Hopefully they'll come back to VT so I can see them again. Anyway this new track isn't as hard as some of their others but its just as good. Listen, Enjoy, Repeat.

Friday, March 2, 2012

To the Stars (Break the Noize and The Autobots remix)

This is a pretty awesome song. I love originals and I love when people remix them because it gives a new way the remixer thinks of the song. Modestep has some great tracks and when you take one and make it filthier it is awesome. Listen to this loud and often

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Madeon - Icarus

Another great song offering everything that most electronic music offers, but does it better. This song is a prime example that something everybody is used to can be done better without major alteration. What Madeon has done here in Icarus is equivalent to what apple did with handheld music players. Anybody can listen to generic trance/electronic music, but what makes this track special is the production quality and depth, a song that you just have to get into and can't bring yourself to pause once it's started.
Here's to improving upon perfect, enjoy!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Madeon Pop Culture

This is an awesome mashup by Madeon who at the time was only 16 (I believe) This is made live with everything being done on the spot. The only pre-arrangement done was to set the buttons. Sadly Madeon didn't explode into fame like everyone hoped. He still makes mashups on soundcloud that are really good but it is really, really hard to get into Mashups. Take a listen and then go on over to soundcloud and look him up.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

DJ Ravine

Todays post isnt so much a song as an introduction to an artist. This guy is DJ Ravine and he makes some awesome Hardcore mixes. If you look him up on youtube you can find more of his videos. Lately hes also been getting some shows going and you can see videos of him in Vegas also. Hope you guys enjoy the mix.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Porter Robinson-Say My Name

Todays song is filled with lots of filthy bass all the way through it. It is great if you need something to just jam out to. It starts out kind of slow but when it drops it kicks you right in the face. Hopefully my analogy makes sense. It does take a while to build up though and it teases you the whole time with beats until about a minute in when it drops. Enjoy

Monday, February 20, 2012

Coyote Kisses Acid Wolfpack EP

Today Im posting the new EP released by Coyote Kisses. The first song on here I actually posted right at the start of the blog but no harm in posting it again. The other songs are brand new and sound just as amazing as the first. If you want to buy this it's available on Beatport but it is kind of expensive at 2.50 a song. Luckily you can listen to the whole thing here. Enjoy...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Set Fire (3LAU Bootleg) - Michael Calfan Feat. Adele

Todays song is  Set Fire a 3lau Bootleg. Basically what a bootleg is, is two songs mashed together. One song provides the vocals and one provides the music. It normally works out pretty well and this song is no different. Enjoy the music

Saturday, February 18, 2012

DJ Turntable Uncontrollable

Todays Bloggage is uncontrollable by DJ Turntable who is best known for taking tons of tracks and mixing them all together to make something amazing. This is pretty evident in this song. Its great for jamming out to, playing loud, or just playing in the background. Whatever you choose to do while listening to this you'll enjoy the song. So take a listen and enjoy.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Camo & Krooked - Hot Pursuit (Dead Battery Remix)

This producer is just fantastic. I mean seriously, everything they come out with is good. Camo & Krooked is excellent at making deep, rich, involved music that is surprisingly easy to listen to as well. I would venture to say this is what electronic music should model itself after, even across genres. Please pass this on to those unaware of it's existence, and of course, enjoy.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Star Wars - Binary Suns (Coyote Kisses remix)

For todays song I thought I would put up a star wars tribute because of the recently re-released in 3d Star Wars movie. This song is awesome not only for star wars fans but its just a generally awesome song. Everyone should enjoy this song, then again everyone should enjoy star wars as well. Anyway here is the song. Enjoy.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Feed Me Escape from Electric Mountain

Todays song is actually a whole album by the group Feed Me. They are awesome and just put up their albums on soundcloud... Obviously they dont let you download them but you can listen to the whole thing and enjoy it. These guys are an awesome dubstep group but they also have some songs that arent super dubby. Yall should come on down and give it a listen... enjoy

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Nero - Must Be The Feeling (Flux Pavilion and Nero remix)

I must say, Nero never ceases to be excellent. We've hit somewhat of a dry spell recently with good new electronic music coming out, but one thing I've noticed is that more producers are using the bass along with dub wobbles to make the choruses that are somewhat traditional, in the sense of how a rock band would lay out one of their songs. Simple, and layered such that the songs are rich but not overwhelming. I guess it's making me like the fact that good music these days often is hard to categorize as one specific genre or style. Let's call it musical evolution, and let's all make sure to bookmark the Boxed Wine blog and spread the music!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Skrillex - My Good Bye

First off I want to wish Skrillex congrats for his wins at the Grammys. This song was actually released supposedly becasue of his wins but I bet they would have been released soon regardless.I'm really glad Skrillex is continuing to produce original songs. I dont expect him to stop any time soon but lately there have been a lot of Co-productions. That isnt a bad thing but I like to hear what Skrillex is doing. This song is more progressive house than Dubstep which seems to be the direction Skrillex is moving in and it's really good. I enjoy this genre but for those of you who are bigger fans of Dub I'm sure there is more coming soon. Anyway here is the song... Enjoy

The youtube video has an awesome animation but you can download the song from the soundcloud.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Acetronik & 3lau Drive (ft. Incubus)

So today's song is kind of late but i thought I'd continue my mashup pattern of yesterday, hope you guys enjoyed the album by the way I've been driving around blasting it. This song is a nice fast beat. Not actually mashed up that much, just lyrics with what I think is a background by Acetronik and 3lau mashed in the lyrics. They did a great job of it. I remember when this song came out on and I loved it from the first time I heard it. Enjoy

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Basic Physics- Lift Off album

Todays song is actually a compilation of songs. This is Basic Physics new album Lift Off which is an amazing compilation of music. This is possibly the best of Basic Physics albums, not saying that the others are bad because they are amazing also. If you need music or just have an hour of nothing take that time to enjoy this amazing album.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pendulum - Salt In The Wounds

Here's a song that's all-around enjoyable. Pendulum makes great music, especially in their breakdown-esque basslines midway through the song. Their DnB is top notch, and this is from their Immersion CD which is worth every second of your time.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fancy Party Begins

Alright so between myself and the other author Randy there has been a lot of talk of starting to make music... The groups name is going to be Fancy Party and my DJ name is Boxed Wine while Randy's is Going Gouda (get it party theme) well unfortunately we need to get equipment first but for now you can enjoy my beautiful drawing for out first album whenever the time comes that we might release it.

Cut Throat by Figure and Whiskey Pete

Todays song is Cut Throat by Figure and Whiskey Pete. This song has a ton of bass, nice mids and highs, and its all mixed with awesome vocals. If you are a fan of wubs this song has a lot of treble wubs. Probably the best part about this song is the fact that its so fast and personally puts me and my friends in a good mood. Listen to this song, enjoy it, share it, It's a great song.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Zedd - Slam The Door (Original Mix)

Today's song is "Slam the Door" by Zedd. I owe credit to an old friend of mine for finding this song and I really don't think I've enjoyed such blatant cursing in quite a while. If there were ever a song that perfectly embodied how I am when I'm angry, this would be it. Don't forget to turn the bass up.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites (Dirtyphonics remix)

Alright so I havent posted any Skrillex yet and I'm trying not to unless something brand new comes out in which case I'll let yall know. This is actually a super bassy remix of Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites by Dirtyphonics which is incredibly good. It sounds similar to the original while still having its own unique sound. If you havent heard of Dirtyphonics yet I recommend you check them out.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Following the last post is a song by J Majik & Wickaman called Ritual, featuring an enticing set of drums and bassline you will find very addictive. Please listen to today's posts and share our blog if you enjoy it; we try to play what we find interesting in the hopes that we're not crazy and our fans will like it just the same. Don't forget that J Majik & Wickaman is a great combination and you should follow them as they rise to popularity. Enjoy.

Basic Physics - Lift off preview

I want to introduce you guys to Basic Physics one of the most recognizable mashup artists out today. This is a preview of the new album lift off releasing in 3 days. This preview will whet your pallate and luckily you dont have long to wait. Luckily for all of you mashups are free so you can get the whole album to rock out to this Thursday.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Froidz - Finally (Mord Fustang Remix)

This is one of my favorite names for an artist. It combines two of my favorite things, cars and music. The name is Mord Fustang and he makes some awesome remixes. Here is one of my all time favorite remixes by him that is an awesome fast paced song with a lot of highs, something I am a big fan, as well as a lot of wubs. I know thats pretty stereotypical of dubstep but this is sounds really good. Trust me you guys will love this song.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Lights (Eyes Remix 2011 Version)

Today we have an excellent remix of Lights by Ellie Goulding featuring dubstep artist Eyes. I particularly enjoy the unique sort of fluttering chorus sounds, making the song very chaotic and yet done in an organized and deliberate way. It's like dubstep within dubstep. It's dubception.

Seriously though, play the damn song.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Feel good

Can't post a song at the moment because I'm posting this from my phone but todays song is feel good by modestep. This song describes how I feel about music. I love it and I love it when I get to play music for other people and they tell something like "thats awesome" our even just wow. Hopefully yall will love this song as much as I do so go look it up or wait till I post it. The bass and vocals are awesome together.enjoy

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Camo & Krooked - Breezeblock - Bass Culture

Today's post is a catchy, enjoyable song by Camo & Krooked that I came across while listening to the UKF Bass Culture CD that I highly suggest finding and downloading. If you're so inclined, there is an accompanying video for this song that's worth a look.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Guilt by Nero

I hate to hark back to old favorites, especially in a changing industry with a rate of growth comparable to that of personal computers. For the ultimate benefit of everybody involved, let me not only suggest this song (Nero-Guilt) but let me also suggest the entire debut album associated with Nero emerging as what was once a drum and bass group turned liquid dnb/dubstep, and an excellent hear from any enthusiastic audiophile. Take a look.

Feeling Good DOSVEC Mashup

This is another awesome and unique mashup. DOSVEC uses a bunch of music to make his mashups instead of just two or 3 songs like many artists. Once again this song isnt super bassey compared to some mashups and definitely doesnt have much rap in it but thats part of what makes it good. It has an awesome unique sound that keeps it fresh from the first listen to the 100th so I guarantee that no matter how loud this is it'll be good even in tiny little ear buds that I normally use. 

Stay classy Sandy Eggo.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Shock One - Crucify Me ft. Phetsta (Part 1 & 2)

The beginning of summer always opens up pathways in a persons mind that bring back memories of warm weather and being young and free. I must confess that many of my memories of warm weather and freedom involve music that doesn't particularly suit this blog, but something about today's song made me want to drive fast, put the windows down, and turn up the bass. I'll go ahead and suggest everyone reading does the same.
Drive safely and enjoy.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Breath in Levels (PRFFTT bootleg)

Todays song is a mashup by PRFFTT which is one of the most unique and crazy names every. This song is called Breath in Levels. it's probably one of the best mashups with levels in it I have ever heard. Oh yeah its the skrillex levels by the way. This song has a ton of skrillex in it but is surprisingly easy to listen to. Enjoy

Sunday, January 29, 2012

One Rolling Love by Kap Slap

Todays song is by one of my favorite mashup artists Kap Slap. The song is One Rolling Love which is a culmination of Avicii, Swedish House Mafia, and Adele all mashed together. This song is pretty chill overall definitely not a hard hitter like some dubstep but it definitely is a great song especially if you get to hear some of the background bass that i suppose is in there. Right now im listening to this on tiny earbuds so I have 0 bass. Enjoy the song... its awesome

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Eddie K & Millions Like Us - Black Widow (Ft. Hollie G)

Seldom do I find a song that embodies everything I like about the recent boom in electronic music without being off-putting in one way or another. I came across this song while watching one of the videos made by Nonstop, a very unique dancer of recent Youtube fame known for his fluid, robotic dance routines usually set to dubstep. Black Widow is one of those songs that you can't help but listen to repeatedly. It's the sort of song that you wake up with in your head and you end up singing it on the drive to work. I'm rather surprised at the lack of popularity of this song; considering the number of genres it seems to cover, it's an excellent candidate for remixes.

I guess you could argue that it's so good on it's own that maybe it would be wrong to change any one part of it. Check it out for yourself:

Friday, January 27, 2012

I Believe in a Thing Called Da Funk

So I felt like putting two songs up today because I ended up posting them late. This song is a mashup by DJ Schmolli called I Believe in a Thing Called Da Funk. Cool name right? Well this is another awesome mashup. This is one of the few mashups that doesnt use excessive rap (Thats good too but this is just wow) I dont have a lot to say about this song other than its awesome listen to it.

Crush on You

So todays song is Crush on You by Nero. What a lot of people dont know about Nero is that its actually a 3 person group not just a single person like many think. This song has some awesome vocals especially later in the song as well as some killer bass. If you happen to be lucky enough to have a subwoofer in your car like I do play this song as loud as you can (disclaimer: I am not responsible for hearing loss... dont be dumb) It hits hard and embodies everything Nero on their dubstep side.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


So todays song is Sunlight by Modestep which is crazy. These guys are actually a four piece group that just came out in 2011. They focus on dubstep/electronic music. For only being out for a year this is a surprisingly intricate music video. Anyway hope you guys enjoy. This song is awesome

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Coyote Kisses

Alright so today I want to share with you guys one of my favorite up and comings. This is acid wolfpack by coyote kisses. These guys have one of the most unique sounds I have ever heard. They combine dubstep a thing called glitch-hop which sounds awesome. You're just going to have to listen for yourself and see but trust me your ears will bleed.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Liquid Dnb

Okay so I decided since I havent gotten to this genre yet I would post 2 drum and bass songs. These songs are actually considered liquid dnb which happens to be my favorite style of drum and bass. Its much slower than dnb which can only be danced to with fast dances like jumpstyle or shuffling (look them up they are amazing.) These songs are great, and with two songs you can listen to twice the amount of music. so get your moneys worth and start listening right now. But wait there's more, call now and you can... nevermind I think the ghost of Billy May's got me for a second. Anyway enjoy these songs.
Netsky- lost without you
Nero- Do you Wanna

Monday, January 23, 2012

Dubstep commercial

Wow this commercial is awesome. I feel like if everyone ate this cereal the world would be a much better place. Or maybe this cereal just has crack in it idk anyway only Kanye West has words for this commercial.

Unison (knife Party remix)

Ok so todays song is a remix of Porter Robinson's song Unison by Knife Party. This is another dubstep song (I'll probably end up putting a lot of dubstep on here since it seems to be taking over). In my mind this song is even better than the original just because it has so much bass in parts. If you have a subwoofer or over the ear headphones you'll want to play it over those because tiny little in ear's just dont do it justice. This song was also used in the commercial for red tails which, while I have no idea how good the movie is, is the first time I have ever seen a dubstep song used in a commercial.... besides Nero because those guys are amazing. But that shows just how big dubstep is getting and how good this song is... enjoy.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Intro to Mashups

Ok, so since today is the first day of this blog being online I thought I'd try and put up a couple of posts just to get this thing off the ground. The second song I'm posting is Calvin Harris & Kelis vs Lucky Date - Ho's and Disco's Bounce! (John DePinto Re-Mash Up) long name right? Well this is a mashup. Many people arent as big a fan of these as originals but I find them really good. It allows for some new sounds that no one really thought of when the song was created. This is a cool beat that I believe if you wanted to place a genre on it other than mashup (yes that is a genre) it would be electro house. Enjoy the song.

In case anyone reading this is unaware of my favorite music site I would like to introduce you to This is possibly the greatest music site to date where you interact with other people and you can play songs you want in rooms corresponding to the genre you like. I primarily hang out in The Party Bus by which plays a little bit of... you guessed it party music (electric, dubstep, mashup) but if you like classical or even ska they have rooms for that. If you want to dj with a friend get them to join and make a private room and dj with only your friends. There are still some glitches when you try to upload but they are a lot better than when I first started when the site was a month or 2 old.

My DJ name on the site is Boxed Wine so if you see and like my music be sure to fan me. Hopefully all of you will join the site and love it.

First Post

So Ive decided Im going to make a music blog, hopefully adding one song a day from any genre I choose. This will probably only be electronic genres but lets not get ahead of ourselves. Hopefully anyone who decides chooses to read my blog will find new music that they will like and maybe it'll even introduce you to some new music. 

For the first song I thought I'd put up one that I found on This song is Brightside (Jaybird Dubstep remix) originally by the Knocks. I like this song because it is dubstep but it seems almost a laid back style of dubstep compared to skrillex or porter robinson (they are also good though) Hope you all enjoy this song....